The scholastic ice hockey program provides a unique opportunity for youth in the State College School District to represent their school community on the ice. The club plays in the Laurel Mountain Hockey League.
All practices and home games are held at Pegula Ice Arena, under the direction of our outstanding coaches.
Closed tryouts will be held at Pegula on August 23rd and August 25th.
Note that tryout times have changed!
Middle School: 5:30pm-6:30pm
High School: 6:45pm-7:45pm
Middle School: 4:50pm-5:50pm
High School 6:05pm-7:05pm
Registration and $50 non-refundable tryout fee must be submitted prior to tryouts.
Full details:
Please note: If you know your player cannot attend a tryout due to travel or other legitimate conflict, please email:
SCIHC tryouts for the 2024-25 season will be held August 23 and August 25. Additional program details and registration information will be announced at a later date.
State College has advanced to the 2024 LMHL Championship game vs. Hollidaysburg. Come out to support the team in Johnstown March 19!
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 LMHL Championship Teams!!
2022-2023 LMHL Varsity Champions - State College Little Lions
2022-2023 LMHL Middle School Champions - State College Little Lions
2023-2024 SC Ice Hockey Club Coaching Application
Are you interested in coaching one of our teams for the 2023-2024 season? If so, please use this link to fill out the coach application. Submissions will be accepted until Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 5pm. No late submissions will be accepted. Thank you!
If you would like to be added to our distribution list to receive communications, send your contact information to our secretary at
Go State!